What to expect on your first lesson

So your lesson is booked!
The worry may be starting to set in. You can contact me through Total Drive anytime before your lesson if you have any questions.
48hrs before your lesson you will receive a reminder which will invite you to check in to confirm your booking.
On the day I will send you a message to tell you I’ve arrived.
For the first lesson, whatever level of ability you are, I drive us to a safe area. On the way we’ll have a chat and hopefully you will relax.
Once we get to the chosen area, we do a quick eye test and then you can take your time to get used to the car.
If your new to driving then you’ll learn how use the controls to move off and stop safely. Everyone is different, we’ll only do what your comfortable with and what is safe.
If you’ve had previous experience driving then we’ll do an assessment before we go out on the road.
Your lessons will be reviewed regularly and you will be encouraged to set your own goals as you progress.
At the end of the lesson we take a few minutes to fill in your progress report and make a plan for your nest lesson. I'll be available between lessons for any concerns you have.